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Recharge Instructions
- Disconnect the main unit from long hose.
- Fill RECHARGER with rock salt and replace cap.
- Connect RECHARGER to water source with long hose.
- Connect short hose to other end of RECHARGER.
- Connect main unit to other end of short hose so that the arrow on top of the RECHARGER and arrow on top of the main unit are facing each other.
- You should now have the faucet, long hose, RECHARGER, short hose and main unit all connected together (in that order) with arrows on top facing each other.
- You may use either of these two configurations to obtain the best results: (A) Elevate the end of the WETSPOT, where water is coming out 6″-8″(A soda can works great!), forcing the water to fill the entire tank or
- Run the water at a fast pace and and restrict it’s exit using the valve on your Y attachment or sprayer! Where the water is going to exit the main unit should now be elevated or restricted.
- Turn the water on at a low G.P.M (approximately 1/2 gallon per minute) so that the water BACKFLOWS through the main unit slowly. This process should take about 15 minutes. Recharging is complete when the RECHARGER is empty of rock salt. If any salt is left in the RECHARGER, just turn the water on full speed for 1–2 minutes and it should dissolve.
- Flush all excess water from the WETSPOT prior to reconnecting your wash down or service hoses!
- Reconnect to the original configuration.
- Store RECHARGER, rock salt, hose and test kit.
You are now done recharging and your WET SPOT is ready to continue providing you with soft water!